Most of us are not focused on how important agriculture is to the American way of life. When we hear the word agriculture, most of us think of food, but agriculture has a role in what we wear, how we build our homes, and the medications we take.
At discussion group meetings this month, the Agriculture Study committee will discuss with you a number of interesting aspects of the Agricultural Reserve, ranging from the shrinking farm size to the growing pressure for solar development. The 2022 Agricultural Census data released this spring gives a good picture of the current state of the Reserve.
The various farmland preservation measures implemented over the 44 year existence of the Reserve have impacted housing development throughout the county. Now an incentive zoning update to allow greater density in some mixed-use zones and reduce housing potential in the Reserve is under way. As the impact of COVID-19 has decreased, it is time to address agritourism in the county – some recommendations have been made and concerns raised.
The Reserve can contribute to meeting some of the needs for an adequate food supply, an environmentally safe energy supply, and the ability to relax in and enjoy the community we share. Read the Fact Sheet and bring your ideas on all of these topics to join the discussion.
Come December 11, 12 or 17 to learn and discuss. There are consensus questions on which members may comment to help guide LWVMC’s position.
December 11, Wednesday 10:30 a.m.
Leisure World, 3701 Rossmoor Blvd., Silver Spring
Contact Diane Goldfarb at
December 12, Thursday 10:30 a.m., Hybrid*
League Office, 27 Wood Lane, Rockville
Contact Mary Ellen Condon at
December 17, Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Zoom*
Contact Mary Ellen Condon at
*To Join Zoom Meeting
For more information, contact Mary Ellen Condon at Also suggestions for future discussion groups may be emailed to the above address.