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General Election 
Tuesday, November 5, 2024

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2024 Your Voice, Your Vote!
Voting in Montgomery County


Civic Engagement


Recent League Testimony

The League studies local issues and after reaching consensus with members on a position, we provide testimony to the County Council, County Executive, or regulatory agency. Below is our testimony on legislation the Council is considering and a proposal to the Maryland Public Service Commission.

Zoning Text Amendment 24-02, Agricultural and Rural Zones - Campground

LWVMC opposed ZTA 24-02, which would open the Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve to overnight stays not related to agricultural activities, based on our support of policies that consider preservation of productive farmland to be a primary design consideration for development in the Reserve zone. Our testimony to Montgomery County Council argued that this zoning change could increase pressure for other non-agricultural uses of the reserve. LWVMC maintains that Montgomery County needs to develop a comprehensive agrotourism plan that takes preservation of farmland into account before allowing overnight tourism in the Reserve. Read our full statement here and watch the full council session here.

Proposed solar photovoltaic generating facility by Chaberton Solar (Case No. 9726)

LWVMC opposed a proposal for a solar photovoltaic generating facility to be built in the Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve based on our continued commitment to the integrity of the Reserve. We testified to the Maryland Public Service Commission that granting permission for this project, which would require doubling the megawatt limit on solar devices on the Reserve mandated by Montgomery County Law, would set a dangerous precedent that undermines local government authority. Additionally, we argued that the project would sacrifice irreplaceable agricultural land and open the door for further damaging development. Read our full statement here.



Check out our testimony to in our 2024-2025 Testimony and learn more about our LWVMC Public Policy Positions.




Calendar Events
Calendar Events

Note: Some Events are Members ONLY.
To see them, members must login first.



 Upcoming Meetings 
Give a Hoot Comedy Club, Gaithersburg
Starring Missy Hall

Give Hoot Photo2
League Members and others enjoyed two
evenings of laughter and camaraderie
while benefiting the League!


 LWVMC 2024 Annual Meeting  

Coming Soon a video highlight of the meeting !

Watch Montgomery  Municipal Cable:
LWVNC invites you to our Annual Meeting


 Did You Know?  

The League Provides:
•Speakers for Groups
• Voter Registrations
•Voters' Guide and other publications
•Elections for Condo, HOA, Association and other
community elections

Contact Us for More Information

 League News

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No worries watch the video!

6/2024 LWVUS Electoral College




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LWV of Montgomery County, MD
27 Wood Lane
Rockville, MD 20850
PHONE:  301-984-9585